Saturday, June 23, 2007

MRO Supply Fund - A good investment?

This year publicly traded MRO supply companies are up significantly againts the S&P 500 and Dow Industrial averages. Grainger, Fastenal, MSC, and Watsco collectively are up 24.73% YTD compared to 5.94% and 7.20% for the S&P 500 and Dow Industrials respectively. Part of the reason I started this blog is because I think the MRO supply business is a great sector to invest in. I plan to periodically post updates regarding the performance of what I call the MRO Supply Fund (Grainger, Fastenal, MSC, and Watsco). I have also included a small table that tracks the return of these stocks relative to the S&P and Dow at the 1 year, 5 year, and 10 year intervals. Please let me know if you think I should include others companies to the MRO Supply Fund.
YTD 1 Year 5 Years 10 Years 10,000 Investment after 10 years
GWW 31.46% 29.10% 91.81% 135.74% 23,574
FAST 16.50% 6.25% 116.18% 231.90% 33,190
MSM 33.32% 18.14% 169.21% 149.31% 24,931
WSO 17.67% -5.12% 207.13% 229.69% 32,969
MRO Fund 24.73% 12.09% 146.08% 186.66% 28,666

S&P 500 5.94% 20.05% 51.79% 21.75% 12,175
Dow Industrials 7.20% 21.30% 66.59% 27.64% 12,764

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